Welcome to the new ESIP website!

Support the Earth science data community.

Make Earth science data actionable by all who need them anytime, anywhere.

Sponsor the next ESIP Meeting, contribute to the ESIP Lab, or fund a program like the Data Help Desk. Catalyze innovation with us.

ocean with ice

Photo by USGS

ESIP is supported by cooperative agreements with NASA, NOAA, and USGS. Learn more about our organization and funding model.

Be a catalyst.

Want to support innovation in Earth science data and computing? Then join the club! These are companies that have supported ESIP in the past. We are seeking more collaborators to make workshops, tools, new programs, and collaborative models available more broadly.

Sponsor the ESIP Meeting

Join the ESIP community in what it does best – build connections and share ideas through in-person gatherings and virtual collaboration tools.

Here is the ROI:

  • Build relationships with the Earth science data community
  • Demonstrate product leadership and expertise, and acquire new customer leads
  • Receive logo and brand exposure with acknowledgment in key places
  • Meet and recruit high-level science talent, from early career to senior professionals

Sponsors can choose to provide general meeting support, fund student participation or host conference events, including workshops, breaks and receptions. We can also tailor a sponsorship package for your needs.


Sponsorship Levels

Top level sponsors are highlighted on all meeting marketing materials. Each package comes with meeting registrations (varies by level) and Premier sponsors have the chance to introduce plenary sessions.

  • Premier – $30,000
  • Gold – $15,000
  • Silver – $10,000
  • Friend – $3,000

Specific to upcoming ESIP Meeting:

  • Opening Reception – $10,000
  • Research Showcase – $5,000
  • Coffee Break – $5,000
  • Support for early career and students – $1,000

Reach out to staff@esipfed.org to discuss sponsorship details.


Meetings attendees join each year from government agencies, academic institutions, and industry.


Community-led breakout sessions focus on cutting edge Earth science data topics.


People follow ESIP media channels including LinkedIn, Slack, and the weekly ESIP Update.


Time zones around the world span the ESIP Update audience with regularly high email open rates.

Support the ESIP Lab

ESIP’s core values of Curiosity and Openness are showcased in the ESIP Lab, which provides small-grant funding opportunities for Earth science technology research projects.

Each project must outline a specific learning objective. So, rather than convincing funders that a proposal has all the answers already, the ESIP Lab looks at roadblocks that a small investment can help overcome. The ESIP Lab also provides a collaborative environment, access to tools and cloud resources, and support to innovate.

Can your company’s product help with the next breakthrough? Consider an in-kind sponsorship or funding an incubator project.

man talking with another person

Total dollars granted through the ESIP Lab each year for pilot projects and FUNding Friday


Total projects funded and guided through the ESIP Lab small-grant innovation process.


Additional funding secured by ESIP Lab pilot projects through NSF, NASA, and NOAA.


Cloud provider credits used by ESIP Lab projects each year.

Fund the Data Help Desk

Bringing people together is what ESIP does. The Data Help Desk specifically connects domain scientists and data experts to share knowledge, tools, and workflows.

We want to fully fund and expand this collaborative model:

  • Pay for booths at relevant meetings
  • Reach more Earth science domains
  • Provide a digital knowledge base
  • Establish a matchmaking and ticketing system for queries

The Data Help Desk has followed an event-to-event process. We want to make its resources available all year. Help make data matter by giving STEM professionals an entry point to the tools of the trade.



big meeting at a convention

Total Data Help Desks have taken place at conferences including AGU, EGU, AMS, and GSA.


Volunteer experts in ESIP’s Slack answer data and software questions during and beyond events.


The average cost of a booth at most scientific conferences is one of the biggest program costs.

The impact of the Data Help Desk is more than the sum of dollars or number of tools. Its power is connection.

Small but mighty.
Our staff is a team of five. But we get a lot done.

Sponsorship makes a difference.

The ESIP community shares challenges and opportunities like moving data to the cloud, navigating commercial partnerships, and connecting with domain scientists and cultivating the next generation for our workforce. Help us innovate!

Coalition on Publishing Data (COPDESS)
Finance Committee
Operational Ethics
Governance Committee
Physical Sample Curation
Nominating Committee
Education Committee
Sustainable Data Management
Meetings Committee
Cloud Computing
Disaster Lifecycle
Data Stewardship Committee
Soil Ontology and Informatics
Partnership Committee
Information Quality
Semantic Harmonization
IT&I Committee
Biological Data Standards
Air Quality
Community Ontology Repository (COR)
Machine Learning
Semantic Technologies Committee
Data Readiness
Council of Data Facilities (CDF)
Enviro Sensing
Marine Data
Open Science