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What we do: Using the core vocabulary, we develop domain-specific practices for publishing and harvesting structured Earth science data.

Why we do it: To support improved search and discovery of scientific resources on the web.

Adam Shepherd (BCO-DMO) and Doug Fils (Ocean Leadership)
Cluster Co-Chairs

laptop against some bushes

Credit: Chris Marsicano/ESIP

The Cluster provides guidance for repository operators and others to follow consistent conventions to provide markup in dataset landing pages to improve data discovery through search engines.

In fall 2022, the ESIP Partner Assembly voted to endorse the (SOSO) guidance that was developed by the cluster. Updating and refining the guidelines continues to be the group’s main focus.

Join the Cluster at their monthly meeting on the fourth Thursday of every month at 2:30 p.m. Eastern.

Upcoming events on the community calendar

Week of Events

Want to keep up with ESIP Collaborations?
Join the weekly ESIP Update and get updates on upcoming events and new resources. resources Guidance (SOSO) provides guidance for publishing as JSON-LD for the Earth sciences. Web page metadata helps make datasets and data repositories easier to find on the web. The latest version is 1.3.0 and was endorsed by ESIP in September 2022.

SOSO Tutorial

At the 2022 July ESIP Meeting, the Cluster led a hands-on tutorial workshop that walked participants through using for their own datasets. The materials and tutorial files are available on GitHub.

ESIP Meetings

A longstanding Collaboration Area, the cluster has been active at many ESIP Meetings. From early pilot projects to interoperability working sessions and hands-on tutorials, the cluster shares many insights with the broader Earth science data community.