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ESIP Staff

Susan Shingledecker
Executive Director
Susan's Bio
Patty Allen
Operations Director
Patty's Bio
Megan Orlando
Community Director
Megan's Bio
Allison Mills
Communications Director
Allison's Bio
Aaron Friesz
Technical Community Manager
Aaron's Bio
Susan Shingledecker Executive Director

Susan brings to ESIP over a decade of nonprofit management experience with both national and regional organizations and a diverse 20 year career in the environmental field spanning international consulting, federal and state public policy, state government, outdoor recreation and conservation experience. Prior to joining ESIP, Susan served as Vice President and Director of Programs for Chesapeake Conservancy a regional conservation organization based in Annapolis, MD dedicated to restoring the health of the nation’s largest estuary and connecting people to the Bay. She worked closely with the organization’s Board of Directors, led the program, administration and finance teams of this $7 million organization with 40 staff that span from Central Pennsylvania to Southern Virginia.

Susan has a passion for data driven solutions. She served for 8 years on NOAA’s Hydrographic Services Review Panel federal advisory committee. In that role she provided guidance to NOAA on the use of their hydrographic products and services and witnessed the challenges and opportunities with the management of large data sets, coordination among federal and state agencies and the challenges that come with authoritative data and the growing push for crowdsourcing and community science. At Chesapeake Conservancy Susan worked closely with the organization’s GIS team, the Conservation Innovation Center, one of Microsoft’s first for their AI for Earth grant recipients and a regular collaborator with Esri. In her work, Susan encouraged policy makers and funders throughout the Chesapeake watershed to use high resolution land cover data to align stakeholders and improve models to better understand the landscape and prioritize restoration investments.

Susan holds a Master of Environmental Management from Duke University and a Bachelor of Arts in international studies from American University. Susan lives in Severna Park, MD. In her free time Susan loves spending time on the Chesapeake Bay with her husband and two boys on their family sailboat or fleet of kayaks.

Patty Allen Operations Director

Patty brings over 25 years of Human Resources and Administrative experience.  Before joining ESIP Patty was the Vice President of Administration at the Chesapeake Conservancy where she managed the growth of the organization to nearly double the size.  Patty specializes in recruiting, compensation and organization design, and employee policy.  Her administrative experience consists of bookkeeping, office management, board relations, and logistics.  As ESIP’s Director of Operations Patty manages the internal operations of the organization and meeting logistics.

Megan Orlando Community Director

Megan began working for ESIP in October of 2018. Prior to joining ESIP, Megan worked with Columbia University’s Lamont Geoinformatics Research Group, where she supported the IEDA Data Facility in data curation, application testing, project management, user support, and community outreach. She also helped manage a number of other initiatives (EarthCube RCNs, International Geo Sample Number, etc.) that focused on data and sample management workflows and best practices. In her role as ESIP Community Director, Megan supports the efforts of the 30+ diverse collaboration areas within ESIP. She is passionate about lowering barriers to collaboration for these groups by fostering connections between people, information, and tools that enhance data and sample collection, stewardship, use, and reuse. In 2019, Megan participated in the AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program, a year-long professional development opportunity for individuals like Megan who cultivate member engagement and collaborative relationships within scientific associations, research collaborations and other communities of scientists.

Allison Mills Communications Director

Allison began working for ESIP in 2021 and is the person behind-the-scenes writing blogs, newsletters, social media, managing the ESIP website, crafting infographics, and helping connect community members and ESIP Partners. Before coming to ESIP, Allison worked as a science writer at a university and a radio journalist. She moonlights as a dance instructor and runs a farm with her husband in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Her favorite projects combine all her worlds: Ask her about making a Dance Your PhD video! Allison is also the best point of contact for ESIP Update announcements, marketing collaborations, and getting those cool I <3 Data ESIP stickers.

Aaron Friesz Technical Community Manager

Aaron Friesz is a seasoned geospatial professional with a passion for advancing open and collaborative science. He brings over a decade of experience working with NASA’s Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC), where he played a key role in facilitating data access and community engagement. Prior to his tenure at NASA, Aaron worked as a contract research geographer at the USGS EROS.

Aaron is dedicated to lowering barriers around data access and fostering connections among diverse communities. He is excited to have joined the Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) community in November 2024.

Outside of work we can find Aaron at dance competitions for his two daughters or upkeeping his landscaping and fruit plants at his home in Fort Myers, FL – it’s impossible to keep up with.

ESIP Board & Program Committee

ESIP elects its officers, representatives, and committee chairs prior to the Annual Partner Assembly Meeting during the ESIP January Meeting. The Board meets quarterly to govern ESIP. The ESIP Program Committee meets monthly to guide ESIP programs and includes the President, Vice-President, and all the technical and administrative committee chairs.

Denise Hills
Denise Hills
ESIP President

Geoscientist, Advanced Resources International

Yuhan (Douglas) Rao
Yuhan (Douglas) Rao
ESIP Vice President

Research Scientist at North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies

John Relph
Governance Committee Chair

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information

Leslie Hsu
Leslie Hsu
Partnership Committee Chair

Physical Scientist; Coordinator, Community for Data Integration at U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

Elisha Wood-Charlson
Elisha Wood Charlson
Data Stewardship Chair

KBase User Engagement Lead, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Steve Diggs
EDIJ Committee

University of California Office of the President

smiling person
Chris Battisto
IT&I Committee Chair


Carla McAuliffe
Education Committee Chair

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Xioagang (Marshall) Ma
Xiaogang (Marshall) Ma
Semantic Technologies Committee Chair

Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of Idaho

Mike Daniels
Mike Daniels
At-Large Board Member 2-Year Term

Researcher, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)

Kathe Todd-Brown
Kathe Todd Brown
At-Large Board Members 2 Year Term

Assistant Professor at University of Florida

Ge Peng
Ge Peng
At-Large Board Members 2 Year Term

Data Scientist, Earth System Science Center/NASA MSFC IMPACT, The University of Alabama in Huntsville

Rich Signell
Nominations Committee

Open Science Computing

ESIP logo against mountains
Ruth Duerr
Finance Committee Chair

Researcher, Ronin Institute

ESIP Community Fellows

Each year, an outstanding group of early career researchers working on their graduate and post-doctoral studies supports different ESIP Clusters.

Man in a beanie hat and jacket smiling and holding up a small plant.
Bolívar Aponte Rolón
Data Stewardship

Tulane University

Man with glasses and a blazer standing at the railing of a boat.
Debasish Mishra
Soil Ontologies & Informatics Cluster

Texas A&M University

Woman with glasses and a blazer
Kesondra Key
Envirosensing Cluster

Indiana University – Bloomington

Smiling man with glasses in a flannel
Keenan Ganz
Information Technology & Interoperability Committee

University of Washington

Smiling man with curly hair and glasses in a flannel.
Joseph Lane
Physical Sample Curation Cluster

University of Memphis

Smiling man with a short beard
Walid Ouaret
Open Science Cluster

University of Maryland

Man with glasses in a blazer
Jeil Oh
Disaster Lifecycle Cluster

University of Texas at Austin

Nelofar Qulizada
Nelofar Qulizada
Marine Data Cluster

University of Arkansas Geosciences Department

Smiling woman with bangs
Kelsey Huelsman
Biological Data Standards Cluster

USGS | University of Virginia

Smiling woman in a bucket hat holding a small green snake
Jaycee Choi
Data Sovereignty Cluster

Tufts University | The Jackson Laboratory Genetics program