Support for grad students – apply for the Raskin Scholarship:

A Home for EARTH SCIENCE DATA Professionals

ESIP is a nonprofit organization that provides a neutral space for exciting cross-domain collaborations. If you’re working to make Earth science data actionable, we’re your professional home.



NASA logo
USGS Science for a Changing World logo
NOAA logo

Earth icon

Bring your expertise to the table in whatever capacity you prefer: come to the next ESIP Meeting, join a collaboration area, or anything in between.

Together, We’re Solving Our Planet’s Greatest Challenges

  • What is ESIP?
  • How to Participate
  • How to Partner
View of earth from above with clouds

Photo from NASA

Maybe you’ve heard ESIP dropped in casual conversation at EGU, AGU, or AMS. Or maybe you’ve heard about us through our primary funders: NOAA, NASA, and USGS.

But what is ESIP, exactly?

It’s simple: We’re a nonprofit that creates space for Earth scientists, researchers, data professionals, and other domain experts to come together. We provide the space, the support, and (for some projects) the funding.

What ultimately comes from these collaborations? That’s up to you, our community!

Remote sensing imagery

Photo from NASA

We welcome enthusiastic participation from anyone who’s leveraging Earth science data to tackle critical challenges, no matter which domain you work in.

ESIP is an organization of organizations, but you do not have to be a member of an ESIP Partner organization to participate in our activities. Please join us by:

To get in on the conversation happening right now, hop on over to Slack.

View of earth from ISS

Photo from NASA

Looking to collaborate with other organizations working toward your same goals? Join us as ESIP Partner.

We welcome applications from industry, government, academic, research and not-for-profit organizations. Partnership is free and gives you access to ESIP Lab funding, leadership positions, voting rights, and more.

ESIP Collaboration Areas

ESIP is home to about 30 Collaboration Areas. Initiatives are authored and executed by participants, and anyone is welcome to join.

Enviro Sensing
Governance Committee
Data Readiness
Community Ontology Repository (COR)
Biological Data Standards
IT&I Committee
Finance Committee
Information Quality
Partnership Committee
Marine Data
Air Quality
Data Stewardship Committee
Machine Learning
Sustainable Data Management
Semantic Harmonization
Coalition on Publishing Data (COPDESS)
Soil Ontology and Informatics
Operational Ethics
Disaster Lifecycle
Open Science
Council of Data Facilities (CDF)
Cloud Computing
Meetings Committee
Nominations Committee
Education Committee
Physical Sample Curation
Semantic Technologies Committee

Meet the ESIP Community

Alexis Garretson

What I do: Repurpose neglected data to investigate how communities change over time, using a combination of genomics and Earth science methods.

Why I do it: Because I believe we have a responsibility to the public to maximize data use to understand the natural world and our place in it.

Alexis Garretson , 2023 Raskin Scholar
Knology logo

What we do: Interdisciplinary social science offers insights into the beliefs, behaviors and systems that affect the Earth sciences.

Why we are ESIP Partners: Innovation and accessible data means connecting social science findings to Earth science system technology.

Knology , ESIP Partner, Type II - Product and Service Providers Visit Knology

“With ESIP Lab funding, we transitioned a hydrologic modal from “research grade” to cloud-based operations for watersheds on three continents.”

Assistant Professor , Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University

What we do: Using the core vocabulary, we develop domain-specific practices for publishing and harvesting structured Earth science data.

Why we do it: To support improved search and discovery of scientific resources on the web.

Adam Shepherd (BCO-DMO) and Doug Fils (Ocean Leadership) , Cluster Co-Chairs
thin photo of ocean 2
ESIP earth with magnifying glass icon

Collaboration Areas

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in ESIP Lab microfunding each year

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ESIP Partners

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Community-driven ESIP meeting sessions each year

thin photo of ocean