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ESIP Collaboration of the Year Award


Award Description

This award honors an ESIP collaboration that exemplifies the spirit of ESIP in one or more areas, through the sharing of a success story. We define a collaboration as two or more individuals or groups working together, and the joint effort does not need to be a formal collaboration.

Here are examples of potential collaborators:

  • ESIP Partners
  • ESIP Collaboration Areas
  • ESIP Lab Project Participants
  • ESIP Meeting Session Organizers
  • Data Help Desk Volunteers
  • Groups spun out of any of the above

Award FAQs

What happened to the Partner of the Year Award?

In 2024, the Partner of the Year award was expanded to become the Collaboration of the Year Award, in order to reward and spotlight the full range of collaborative activities in ESIP.

What aspects of a collaboration are evaluated?

Some of the aspects captured in the nomination form are: Contributions of the collaborative activity to ESIP partner organizations and participants; leadership, commitment, and innovation shown in the collaboration; promotion of inclusion and diversity in ESIP.

How do I nominate an organization for the Award?

Fill out our nomination form by October 31, 2024.

Who is eligible for the Award?

Any person or group involved in ESIP activities.

Can I nominate my own collaboration?

Yes, you can nominate a collaboration you take part in, or another collaboration you have observed.

Who is the Awards Chair?

The Partnership Committee Chair.

Is an Award given every year?

The Partnership Committee may choose to not give an award in any particular year. All awardees must be approved by the ESIP Leadership.


Explore the achievements and successes of our community by checking out ESIP’s other awardees and peer recognition recipients.