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Uploading your content to the ESIP Figshare Repository

Instructions for adding content to the ESIP Figshare Repository

Thank you for uploading your content to the ESIP Figshare Repository. It is easy to do and, by doing so, you will obtain a digital object identifier (DOI) that you can use to cite and share your work with others. You will enable the ESIP Community and beyond to learn about your work and engage with you.

What belongs in the ESIP Figshare Repository? The ESIP Figshare Repository should be used to preserve all posters and presentations from ESIP meetings, outputs from ESIP Collaboration Areas, and more. Do you have a video? These should instead be uploaded to the ESIP YouTube Channel. Contact for help in doing this.

  1. To upload to the ESIP Figshare Repository, go to and START by uploading your document.
  2. Once you upload your file, you will be asked to complete a brief form about your content, including the title, author names, a brief description, and keywords.
  3. If the content is from an ESIP meeting, please be sure to enter a keyword phrase like ‘ESIP Summer 2020′. This helps ensure that contributions can be sorted properly (e.g., show all presentations from the ESIP Summer 2020 meeting).
  4. If the content is from an ESIP meeting, please also include the name and/or URL for the session you are presenting in.
  5. Once you complete the form, click “Submit”. You are now finished. Your content will need to be reviewed by ESIP Staff before it becomes public, so do not panic if you do not see it displayed immediately.

NOTE: If you are contributing multiple files for a workshop or breakout session, you can create a single “fileset” for all of the session presentations. This will create a single DOI for all session content with a single title and abstract and you can include all contributors as co-authors. Be sure to include the appropriate meeting keyword and link as in #3 and #4 above.

** HERE is the Figshare FAQ **