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Partner Highlight: Science Gateways Community Institute

Partner Highlight: Science Gateways Community Institute

About: Science gateways  — commonly referred to as advanced web portals, research platforms, and virtual research environments — can provide access to many tools used in cutting-edge research and education, including data collections, computational software and resources, equipment and sensors, citizen science projects, and more. The Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to offer—at no cost—resources, services, experts, and ideas for creating and sustaining gateways. We help build better, faster, economical, and sustainable digital projects that make science happen. Check out our success stories if you're curious to know about some of what we've achieved since launching in late 2016.

Project Spotlight: SGCI Bootcamp and Gateway 2019
One of our popular offerings, Science Gateways Bootcamp, was carefully designed to help project teams working on science gateways learn how to develop, operate, and sustain them. The week-long, intensive workshop covers a lot, everything from budgeting and marketing to cybersecurity and usability. Two ESIP groups participated in two separate Bootcamps and found so much value in the experience that they invited us to offer one exclusively for ESIP members in November of 2018 (see photo below). This gave us a chance to connect even more deeply with the ESIP community, and we hope to do more of that as our partnership blossoms. If you had hoped to attend the ESIP session but missed it, you'll have other chances! Bootcamps are offered twice per year in spring and in fall, and all are invited to apply.

One great way to get involved and connect with the SGCI community is by attending our annual Gateways conference. Gateways 2019 will be in sunny San Diego this year and co-located with the eScience Conference. We invite members of the ESIP community to submit and/or attend! Submissions are due May 6, 2019.

Why SGCI Participates in ESIP: ESIP and SGCI are natural partners since so many of ESIP's activities are related to science gateways. We think our presence can help by providing access to resources and assets that can support the important work being done by ESIP, especially as they begin to expand into building more gateways that require advanced cyberinfrastructure support. Likewise, SGCI can benefit from ESIP’s many resources and, in particular, their 20 years of experience in community building.

Quick Facts
ESIP Member Type: II
Joined ESIP: 2018
ESIP Voting Rep: Nancy Wilkins-Diehr