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Partner Highlight: Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R)
About: The Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program has been in operation since 2009, providing fleet-wide data management for oceanographic expeditions conducted across the U.S. Academic Research Fleet. R2R serves all segments of the oceanographic community, ensuring the documentation and long-term preservation of the suite of routinely acquired environmental data collected on all scientific expeditions each year. R2R operates as a central data gateway providing a suite of unique data services, including archiving of end-of-cruise data distributions submitted by academic fleet operators, an authoritative online catalog of vessels, cruises, datasets, and science parties, and documentation and submission of datasets to the NOAA NCEI Data Centers for long-term preservation. In addition, R2R provides automated quality assurance and data processing services of a subset of the underway sensor data for each expedition. The R2R program works in close collaboration with the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS) Office, vessel technicians, NOAA Data Centers, other NSF-funded ocean data systems, disciplinary specialists in the research community, and international partners. Funding for R2R is provided by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Recent News: R2R has recently launched a new website that provides improved search for cruises and data of interest and a more intuitive interface for accessing information about cruises.
Why R2R Participates in ESIP: R2R participates in ESIP to learn from and collaborate with this extended community of data facilities and cyberinfrastructure experts on solutions to broad data management and data service challenges. R2R team members lead the ESIP Marine Data Cluster, which explores important topic areas in informatics, such as data management, interoperability, data analytics, data quality, and cloud computing, specifically related to the marine environment.
Quick Facts
ESIP Member Type: II
Joined ESIP: 2014
ESIP Voting Rep: Suzanne Carbotte