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Member Highlight: Unidata

Unidata is a diverse community of education and research institutions with the common goal of sharing geoscience data and the tools to access and visualize that data. For more than 25 years, Unidata has been providing data, software tools, and support to enhance Earth-system education and research. In an era of increasing data complexity and multidisciplinary integration, Unidata provides a rich set of services to the community. Funded primarily by the National Science Foundation, Unidata is one of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)'s Community Programs (UCP). UCP units create, conduct, and coordinate projects that strengthen education and research in the atmospheric, oceanic, and Earth sciences.
Interesting Recent Activities: While Unidata Program Center staff connect with community members daily via electronic means, it's always enlightening and enjoyable to talk with and learn from people face-to-face. To that end, Unidata hosts training workshops in Boulder, Colorado, participates in regional workshops, and sends staff members to geoscience conferences including the American Meteorological Society's annual meeting. You can read some of the Unidata staff's observations about the most recent AMS meeting in this blog post. You can keep up with other Unidata activities at the News@Unidata blog.
ESIP Connections:
Unidata developed and maintains the netCDF data format, and is deeply interested in the evolution of the Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata conventions. Unidata is also involved in numerous other projects of interest to ESIP Federation members, including collaboration with OPeNDAP on the OPULS project, provision of the THREDDS Data Server (TDS), and the GALEON interoperability experiment.
Joined ESIP: 1999
ESIP Type: Type II
ESIP Voting Rep: Ben Domenico