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Member Highlight: DICE Center
The DICE Center promotes the development of data grid software infrastructure that is used to support collaboration environments, federation of community resources, and reproducible data-driven research. The iRODS integrated Rule Oriented Data System enables institutional repositories, regional data grids, national digital libraries, and international collaborations.
Interesting project: The DataNet Federation Consortium is an NSF funded project to implement national data cyberinfrastructure through the federation of existing community resources. The DFC collaborates with the Ocean Observatories Initiative (oceanography), the iPlant Collaborative (biology), the Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center (Cognitive Science), the CIBER engineering design project, the Institute for the Environment (Hydrology), and the Odum Institute (Social Science). Communities from 25 science and engineering domains use the software, including the AMS experiment on the International Space Station. More details:
ESIP Connection: We are interested in ESIP projects for establishing collaboration environments and promoting federation of resources. We are currently working with NASA Center for Climate Simulations and NOAA National Climatic Data Center and are interested in federation between federal repositories, and regional data grids. The ESIP federation could enable federation of repositories across federation agencies, ESIP partner sites, and national research initiatives.
ESIP Type: Type III
Joined: 2012
ESIP Voting Rep: Reagan Moore