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Member Highlight: Data Semantics Laboratory
About: The Data Semantics Laboratory (DaSe Lab) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Wright State University is led by Dr. Michelle Cheatham and Dr. Pascal Hitzler. The lab’s research focus is Semantic Web technologies with an emphasis on ontology modeling, ontology reasoning, data sharing, integration and reuse, and on applications to data analytics and the sciences.
Current Projects: Since 2012, members of the DaSe Lab have organized Geo Vocabulary Camps (GeoVoCamps). GeoVoCamps run at least twice a year at locations around the U.S. and have focused on ontology design patterns as an approach to inform metadata and data models and on applications in the GeoSciences – see this link for more information. Learn more about other DeSe Lab projects here.
Reasons the DaSe Lab participates in ESIP: The DaSe Lab researches information technology for data sharing, integration and reuse. We are interested in Earth science information data as it provides an application area to inform our research directions and solutions. We hope that ESIP participation will strengthen existing Earth science collaborations and help us forge new ones. Additionally, the DaSe Lab will contribute to the newly formed ESIP Standing Committee for Semantic Technologies, which has grown out of the ESIP Semantic Web Cluster.
Type: I
Joined: 2016
Voting Rep: Pascal Hitzler