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Federation for Earth Science Information Partners 2015 Winter Meeting, New Officers, Student Fellows and Members
January 15, 2015 — The Federation for Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) held their Winter Meeting, January 6-8, 2015 on the theme of “Earth Science and Data in Support of Food Resilience: Climate, Energy, Water Nexus”. ESIP President Peter Fox said, “Once again the Winter Meeting theme reinforced how the Federation pushes the community limits of ‘making data matter'. The quality and standing of the plenary speakers and panels, and the breadth and depth of the technical sessions is a testament to ESIP's vision. Importantly new faces continue to appear at the meeting, surrounded and supported by many long-time members.” All details for the meeting can be found on the ESIP Commons (
Prior to this meeting the ESIP Assembly elected officers to its executive committee for 2015 and nine new members. The new officers started their terms on January 7, 2015 during the ESIP Assembly Business meeting. Peter Fox, RPI was elected President of the Federation and Emily Law, JPL, will serve as Vice President, both serving a second term. Ken Keiser, University of Alabama Huntsville, will chair the Constitution and Bylaws committee. Bill Teng, NASA Goddard, will chair the Finance and Appropriations committee. Tyler Stevens, NASA Goddard, will chair the Partnership committee. LuAnn Dahlman, NOAA, will chair the Education committee. Ethan Davis, Unidata, will chair the Information Technology and Interoperability committee. Danie Kinkade, WHOI, will serve as the Type I representative. Steve Richard, AZGS, will serve as the Type II representative. Ted Habermann, the HDF Group, will serve as the Type III representative. Regarding the new leadership, Fox said, “Personally, I am grateful to the newly elected and returning leadership in both the Federation Executive Committee as well as key committees, working groups and clusters that spur the ongoing work of the Federation.”
The ESIP Assembly also approved nine new member partners from across the data lifecycle. The new members include: COOPEUS (Type I), E-DECIDER (Type II), GeoGateway (Type II), Geologic Data Center, Scripps (Type I), Kitware (Type III), Marymount (Type II), Purdue Libraries (Type II), UC Berkley Libraries (Type I) and UNAVCO (Type I).
In addition to the new leadership and members, ESIP is excited to announce the 2015 class of Student Fellows. Lindsay Barbieri, University of New Hampshire will work with the Agriculture and Climate Cluster. Sean Barberi, University of Alaska, will work with the Disaster Lifecycle cluster. Fox Peterson, University of Washington will work with the Envirosensing cluster. Nic Weber, University of Illinois, will work with the Science Software cluster. Brandon Whitehead will work with the Semantic Web cluster. ESIP student fellowship provides students a chance to work closely with professionals in an interdisciplinary, cross-sector group on current Earth Science problems.
The ESIP Federation is a consortium of Earth science data and technology professionals spanning government (NASA, NOAA, EPA, USGS, NSF), academia and the private sectors (both commercial and nonprofit). The organization is dedicated to transforming research data and information into useful and usable data and information products for decision makers, policy makers and the public. The Foundation for Earth Science provides administrative and staff support to the ESIP Federation.